Working in Comms in the UK? Here’s a Lineup of Events from TCA You Shouldn’t Miss

As Comms professionals, our career journeys can sometimes get lonely and monotonous. That’s why we usually have this feeling of relief when we meet other professionals who have walked or are walking in our shoes. We can learn from them, be encouraged by them and just have the assurance that we are not alone in this career journey.

It is also the reason why we host in person and virtual events at The Comms Avenue – to provide Comms professionals with the support they need to thrive in their careers. While we’ve done this well within the African continent, we’re delighted to expand our footprint of impact to Europe starting with our lineup of events for African Comms professionals who are based in the United Kingdom (UK).

If you work in Comms in the UK or you are looking to make the transition into the UK Comms industry, here are some events from TCA that you shouldn’t miss!

TCA UK Webinar

We’re starting off with a virtual conversation which will focus on learning how some senior Comms professionals have managed their transition into the UK Comms/ PR industry.

Making the transition to a new country is not always easy, especially within the corporate world. Through this webinar, our goal is that you will gain practical advice and strategies to make your transition into the UK Comms industry smoother.

So here’s our special invitation to join Eduvie Martin, Olugbeminiyi Idown and Phoebe Pappoe on Thursday 23rd May by 1pm BST/ WAT for an engaging conversation on how they successfully transitioned into the UK Comms industry. You can sign up for the webinar here.

Please come with your questions and also tell a friend/ colleague who is based in the UK!


Mentorship and Career Conversations with the EMEA Communications Team at Meta

This deserves special drum rolls because we are super excited about this one!

On Thursday 6th June, the EMEA Comms team at Meta will host some of our community members in London for an evening of mentorship and Comms career conversations. This exclusive event with the EMEA Comms team at Meta will be a prelude to a mentorship programme which will be specifically for members of The Comms Avenue community. We’ll share more details about this soon.

Before then, here’s what you should know about the evening of mentorship with the EMEA Comms Team at Meta.

The event is open to 15 Comms and PR professionals who have between four to six years of professional experience. To be part of the event, you need to complete an application form. We encourage you to take your time to complete the application form as there will be a screening process.

Successful applicants will be contacted via email and will be given further details. If you’re ready to apply to be selected for this event, please use this link –

Feel free to direct any further enquiries about this event to us via our email –


TCA UK Hangout

Finally, TCA Hangout comes to the UK! On Saturday 8th June, we’ll be hosting our first ever TCA Hangout in London (SE1). We’ve partnered with Wimbart, an independent PR agency specialising in Africa and emerging markets, to bring together African Comms professionals in the UK for a time of knowledge-sharing and networking.

Wondering why you should attend this hangout? To be honest, there are many reasons but we’ll share a few. You’ll get to learn from the professional experience of senior Comms experts who are thriving in the UK Comms industry. You’ll also get to connect with peers and expand your professional network – so you don’t have to go on your career journey alone. And finally, you’ll get to relax over food and games because we all know how stressful working in Comms can be!

Like we said, there are so many reasons why you should attend this hangout and we hope to see you there. This hangout is open to African Comms professional in the UK who currently work in Comms or have an interest in pursuing a career in Comms. No matter your level of experience, you are welcome to join us!

The ticket fee for this hangout is £15 and can sign up to attend here.

That’s it from us. We hope you are looking forward to these events as much as we are!


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