The top 3 trends you really should pay attention to

Since the end of 2022, we have been inundated with communications and marketing trends and predictions from different sources. A lot of these trends and projections are quite similar while some seem to be a bit off tangent.

We have sieved through the myriad of expert projections for 2022 and we’ve narrowed down on the most important ones to focus on.

These are the top three trends you should pay attention to:

Authentic Storytelling

There is no doubt that how we engage our audience and stakeholders will continue evolve but what will remain the same is the need for strong storytelling. And it’s not just storytelling as we’ve known it. It’s going to be all about authentic storytelling going forward – that is storytelling that hits right at the heart of people’s emotions and resonates on several levels.

Authentic storytelling will win consumers who increasingly demand for the ‘why’ of brands – why does this brand matter, why should they care and how can this brand add value to their lives? These are the questions you’ll need to address through authentic storytelling.


The Role of the Leadership Team 

More than ever, your leadership team needs to be a strong voice that communicates important information to your audience. It is no longer acceptable for your leadership team to be nameless and faceless. They need to get involve in conversations that matter most to your stakeholder and embody the values of the brand. It is no longer ok for your brand value to say one thing and the actions of your leadership team portrays something else.

Think about how you can get your leadership to be more active and engaging using channels such as webinars, podcasts and meet and greets.


Community Building 

Multi-Ethnic Group of People and Community Concepts

If you thought 2020 and 2021 were the peak season for communities, 2022 is going to take it several notches higher. With communities already formed, they will become a trusted source of information and a platform for shared engagement. With more brands jumping on this trend, you need to creatively think about how you can either build a strong community around a brand or collaborate with an existing community that aligns with the vision of your brand. Whatever you choose, please know that you cannot speak to your consumers in silos – you need to start speaking to and engaging with them in communities.

There you have it! We really hope you’ll incorporate these trends as you execute your communications strategies and plans for the year!

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The Comms Avenue

A capacity-building and networking platform for communications professionals across Africa and beyond.


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