The Comms Spotlight: Chukwuweta Uraih, Strategic Communications, IHS Towers

Chukwuweta is an experienced corporate responsibility and communications professional with a demonstrated ability of positioning his organization as a sustainability leader in any relevant sector. My career experience spans in-house roles and advisory services – combining the capabilities of framing strategic sustainability agenda with effective implementation across business units and supply chain.

In this interview, he talks to us about his role managing strategic communications at IHS Towers as well as his expertise in risk communications.


What do you love most about working in the communications field?

A number of things actually! Firstly, the opportunity to find clever ways to convey messages to a diverse audience. I like that, as a professional communicator, I have the privilege of sharing information across many platforms every day and help organisations get the word out about their products and services to their respective target audience. The field allows me to be able to inspire, educate, inform and change minds and behaviours.


Can you take us through what you do within your role in Strategic Communications?

I work in a regulated and specialized sector. My role in driving strategic communications ensures I infuse my daily communications efforts with an overarching master plan that may involve promoting the brand of my organization or advocating for a particular policy that is aligned with my organisation’s overall business efforts.


What are some memorable life lessons you’ve learnt on the job as a Comms professional?

Here are a few life lessons I have learnt as a professional communicator:

Be confident: Never doubt yourself. I know it’s easier said than done, but the moment you stop listening to that inner voice telling you a project or task may not work out, the more confident you get in voicing your opinions and implementing more projects.

Be reliable: Seems easy to say but actually harder to achieve. But people see the effort you put in and will always remember.

Everyone makes mistakes: Always acknowledge mistakes are inevitable. What matters is that you admit it, learn from it and move on.


You also have expertise in risk communications. Can you tell us more about what it involves?

Risk communication enables communities and individuals at risk to take informed decisions to protect themselves and their loved ones.

It became an interesting aspect of my career journey at the start of the pandemic. As you may know, my organization has significantly contributed towards COVID-19 efforts across markets where it operates and one of the elements from this support involves risk communications. We have been fortunate enough to identify credible partners to work with to drive targeted messaging across several platforms to reduce the spread of the virus and hopefully influence behavioral change around wearing of masks, maintaining physical distancing efforts and much more.


What book or podcast has had a huge impact in your professional journey?

I discovered Freakonomics radio a few years ago and have never looked back. Marketing Over Coffee is also an excellent podcast that has taught me a lot. The episodes are quick and there is so much to learn from the hosts.


What professional advice would you give to your younger self?

Be humble and be intentional about building lasting relationships.

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