How You Can Get That Seat at The Table

One thing professionals in communications and marketing can relate with is getting organizations and senior leaders to understand the true value of the work that we do. Sometimes they don’t get that it’s not just comms; other times professionals in the industry struggle to effectively communicate the importance of  comms.

We found this article from Strategic Communications LLC which shares very helpful tips on how to get a seat at the table and add value as a comms/ marketing professional.


Marketers are often frustrated because senior leaders “just don’t get it.”

Senior leaders are often frustrated because marketing staff “just don’t get it.”

They’re both right. But marketing leaders can take steps—both obvious and, perhaps, not so obvious, to help senior leaders “get it” and to demonstrate to the senior leaders that the marketing staff “get it” as well.

Here’s are some examples to consider.

Don’t Try to Hide What Didn’t Work

Instead of trying to make excuses, or worse, hold back information on marketing efforts that failed to achieve results, be forthcoming with that information.

Don’t Lead With Tactics

“We need to get on TikTok!”

“We need a billboard!”

“We should be creating more video!”

Leading with a tactic is like picking a solution and trying to find a problem it might solve. Start with your desired outcome (goal/objective), identify a high-level approach to achieve that outcome (strategy), then consider the best mix of tactics to drive your strategy to achieve your goals/objectives.

Do Ask What the Company’s Goals and Objectives Are

Have you seen your organization’s strategic plan? Do you know what the annual goals are? Do you know the strategic objectives? If you don’t, how can you possibly come up with relevant recommendations that will help achieve those goals and strategies?

If your recommendations often fail to resonate, there’s a good chance that they’re not well-aligned with the organization’s strategies and objectives.

Do Look at And Share the Numbers

Most companies of all kinds—both for-profit and not-for-profit—run their companies based on numbers. They need a good return so that they can continue to invest in operations and capital to serve their audiences’ needs. That means that every department in the organization needs to do the same—including marketing.

You need to clearly demonstrate that the investment being made in marketing—both dollars and staff—are providing a return.

And, one final DON’T!

DON’T Say That Marketing Can’t Be Measured

It can. It should. It must. If you want a seat at the table you need to “get it.” They will follow.


*Article culled from Strategic Communications, LLC

Strategic Communications, LLC, works with B2B clients to help them achieve their goals through effective content marketing and management with both internal and external audiences. We work with clients to plan, create and publish high-quality, unique content. Whether on- or offline, or both, we’ll help you achieve desired results.

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