The Comms Spotlight – Oluchi Ezeugo, Communications Manager, Paga

Our Comms Spotlgiht, Oluchi Ezeugo, is a communications professional with a thirst for knowledge and growth. Currently the Communications Manager at Paga, Oluchi is making her mark in the industry one step at a time. Enjoy her interview with us.


What does your role as the Communications Manager at Paga entail?

My role involves telling our stories to stakeholders — stories that will help them understand our impact and buy into the vision by signing up, joining us, and partnering with us. I’m also responsible for developing and implementing end-to-end internal and external communications plans for the Paga brand, business units, and products/services.


How did you begin your journey in communications and how have you improved yourself over the years?

I studied Communications for my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. However, I didn’t start working in Corporate Communications until after NYSC, and that’s when I fell in love with the discipline.


Can you share one major challenge you have faced in your career so far and how you overcame it?

I once worked in a role where I had to be part of a team that communicated an employee lay-off. It was tough as a communicator and employee. I overcame it by focusing on the work and making sure that the communication plan went as smoothly as possible so that despite the rough situation, people still felt heard and respected.

What are some of the key lessons you have learnt from your professional journey so far?

No one knows everything, it’s ok to ask for help, and achievements [big and small] matter.


What book or podcast has had a huge impact in your professional journey?

I consume a lot of career-related content. These are a few of my favourite places to visit for such content: [website and podcast], [website and podcast];, and of course,


The best piece of advice you’ve ever received from a mentor in the industry?

I don’t have an official mentor in the industry; however, one of the most impactful sentences I ever heard was from a former manager who reminded me that “your worth is not in your job title”. That statement has stuck with me a lot more since then, and it’s something I remind myself of constantly.

Picture of Adedoyin Jaiyesimi

Adedoyin Jaiyesimi

Adedoyin Jaiyesimi is the Co-Founder of The Comms Avenue. She has vast experience consulting for international organizations and top corporate executives, helping them to strategically communicate their brand message with impact. This involves having strategy sessions, creating communications plans, training internal communications teams, and overseeing execution.


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