The Comms Spotlight: Mercy Kinyodah, Digital Communications Manager, Growth Through Learning

Being self-motivated and eager to learn are necessary to stay ahead of the pack in the communications industry. Mercy Kinyodah embodies this. Her thirst for knowledge and self-improvement has allowed her to hone her skills in digital communications.

In our interview with her, Mercy talks to us about the work she does, how she improves her skills and the lessons she has learnt so far in her journey.


As a Program and Digital Communications Manager, what does your job entail?

My job entails overseeing Growth Through Learning’s non-profit programs in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and communicating with the US office on progress and any issues arising. On the digital communications side, I craft digital strategies, curate content and publish digital campaigns (social and e-mail), manage the website and make updates as needed.


Take us back to how you began your career in communications. What steps did you take?

After finishing my undergraduate degree, I was interested in learning more about website design and digital marketing. Having done an introductory course to Programming in Uni, I looked for coding classes online and learnt HTML, CSS and Javascript. Thereafter I went on to learn about Google Ads, Analytics and Social media advertising and did the Google Ads certification exams. Feeling confident about my knowledge in digital marketing, I started networking with people from various businesses and landed two part-time jobs, at a start-up digital agency and Growth Through Learning as a social media manager. Fortunately, in both jobs, there was a lot of room for growth and I learnt very quickly through practical experience.


What are some of the key lessons you have learnt from your professional journey so far?

  1. Networking is not a choice but a lifestyle.
  2. As the digital landscape constantly changes, staying abreast with new updates and trends is crucial.
  3. Strategy and planning are very key to success but things don’t always go to plan and leaving room for changes is important.


In your opinion, what are the core skills professionals need to stand out in the communications field?

Being able to express yourself clearly in writing and verbally makes a world of a difference, a soft skill yes, but undeniably important. In terms of professional skills in the digital space, being able to understand your analytics and tell stories with them is amazing! Businesses and organizations are hungry for positive ROI of digital marketing than they are sexy content.


Two things you do to relax and refresh your mind?

Coffee/ a meal with a friend and taking on a walk in my neighbourhood or at a park.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received from a mentor in the industry?

“ People don’t buy goods or services. They buy relations, stories and magic”
Seth Godin.

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The Comms Avenue

A capacity-building and networking platform for communications professionals across Africa and beyond.


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