The Comms Spotlight: Prudence Glorious, Chief Purpose Officer, PZG PR

Pan- African Tanzanian Thinker, Strategist, Trusted Advisor, and the Chief Purpose Officer at PZG PR, Prudence Glorious, is our Comms Spotlight for this week. Prudence founded PZG PR, Tanzania’s first eponymous impact communications firm in 2020, having also practised as an independent consultant and UN Advisor. In her work, she continues to champion the power of PR to empathise and build bridges that unifies voices and sentiments to compound into a global narrative of being well and doing good. She is a media commentator on PR, youth empowerment, leadership, philanthropy, self-care, business development and conscious living. In our interview with her, Prudence talks to us about the journey so far and what she loves most about working in Communications.


What do you do as the Chief Purpose Officer at PZG Public Relations?

As PZG PR’s CPO, my main purpose is to unify voices within my client’s stakeholders’ universe in a way that showcases their impact, enhances their value, visibility, imagery and reputation amongst the publics.

I also lead PZG PR towards delivering professional communication and impact communications services to a variety of industries, sectors, philanthropies and governments. All with the purpose of increasing collaborations and partnerships for greater scale.


Tell us about how you began your career in Communications and the deliberate steps you took to grow professionally?

I have always been active and vibrant in the Integrated Marketing Communications industry. I finished university with a double concentration in Electronic Media and Public Relations. While at Daystar University, in Kenya, I was a contributor and reporter at The Involvement newspaper, designed a radio program titled Jahazi for Shine FM, was DOP, set designer for a couple of student films and music videos, organised major events and even supported one of my professors to teach a class on blogging and digital media.

I continued to become a researcher at the Matatu – Made in Kenya TV program – during my final year, I then interned at BBC where I realised the importance of asking questions and being a fast learner. I also did a screen test with Citizen TV as a Swahili broadcaster and as much as they liked my face, my swahili missed that coastal flavor. 🙂

Right after university, I worked as a Communications Officer at the Women Empowerment Link and then left to start my own business. I moved back to Tanzania, my homeland, and was a Communications Specialist at a reputable communications company in the north before I moved to the economic capital and joined the UN as a Communications Associate (UNV) and my career catapulted forward.

I pivoted to become a UN Consultant, then Advisor while consulting and advising other institutions and organisations on their communications through the years. In October 2020, I started my eponymous firm and we are proud members of the Public Relations Society of Tanzania. And, I am writing my 104th thought leadership piece for the Digital Space with Prudence column in the Tanzanian daily newspaper, The Citizen.

In hindsight, the deliberate steps I have taken so far are; doing deep work, being masterful at stakeholder management and engagement, honing my writing, speaking and reading skills, creating professional networks and you know, doing the work really well in a way that you pay attention to the details – something that stakeholders appreciate. I can’t underestimate the power of deep work. It is a 21st Century superpower and a key ingredient to succeeding.

I’m very intuitive when it comes to the work of communicating to the masses. This can be credited to years spent practising and learning (I am a voracious reader). In order to keep learning forward, I am very deliberate about mentorship, coaching and training. I also stay curious – always – about the work at hand.


Can you share a major highlight from your career journey so far?

A major highlight has to be PZG Public Relations (my impact communications firm) turning two last year, becoming a UN Communications Advisor and delivering for some of the best initiatives, products and services within the Tanzanian sphere that also have a global resonance.

In the last two years at PZG PR, we have developed a coffee table book for IYF and MasterCard Foundation, convened delegates from 25 countries in Dar es Salaam for the Schools2030 Global Forum by AKF, delivered masterclasses on strategic communications and produced impactful content for a variety of clients. And we are about to embark on CSR and Sustainability for a publicly listed FMCG. To say the least.


What do you love the most about working in Communications?

I wake up every morning ready to seize the day and create a world where impact and purpose are seen and celebrated. That’s my everyday highlight. The other would be making women feel beautiful which I am currently doing through the content we create at PZG PR to profile women in various industries. You can find these amazing profiles on our socials: IG: @prudencezoegloriuspr, Twitter @pzgimpact and Linkedin: Prudence Zoe Glorious PR (PZG PR)

I love how communication, when done well, can bring about positive results, create positive sentiments and increase confidence amongst all involved.

Information is power, communicating it well is a superpower! I love the fact that I can leverage my superpower of strategic communications to realise better results and enlightened stakeholders/audiences.


What changes would you like to see in PR and Communications practice across Tanzania

Mmh! Can I sign a book deal first before I divulge and share all the changes? 🙂

It really is a lot, we are a beautiful nation! With the most peaceful of people and an abundance of wealth and resources. If we do our PR right, we can become a giant amongst nations! We can increase investor confidence and also global citizens will be able to see Tanzania in a good light, in much better light.

One big change that resonates amongst other PR & Comms practitioners is the need for transformation to occur amongst brands, organisations and public figures. All our public figures need to have a PR person as part of their key executives. Our budding enterprises have to include a PR expert as part of their C-Suite. And our industry players – old and new – need to awaken to the importance of PR in advancing and growing an institution, organisation or brand.

At PZG PR we provide masterclasses to raise awareness on the importance of strategic communications so that the market and the Tanzanian operating environment can be cognizant of its value.


What advice would you give your younger professional self?

Beautiful lady, you have nothing to worry about! One day you will look back and all will have come together to work for your good. So just be you, because passionate work pays in the end. And keep designing the life of your dreams. A piece of art always starts on a blank canvas.


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