The Comms Spotlight: Lenah Manoa, Founder and Lead Strategist, Au-delà Communications

For Lenah Manoa, Communications is about solving real problems. She founded Au-delà Communications because she noticed a gap in how organisations approached certain aspects of their Communications efforts. In her interview with us, Lenah shares her inspiring journey into the world of Communications, from her early passion for language and strategic thinking to the creation of her own agency. With a focus on employee engagement and organisational culture, she discusses the importance of meaningful, employee-centric communication in building thriving workplaces.


How did you begin your career in Communications?

My journey into the world of Communications began with a deep fascination with the power of language and its ability to connect people and inspire action.

This passion, coupled with a desire to understand how organisations function and thrive, led me to pursue an Advanced Professional Diploma in Public Relations, which provided me with a strong foundation in Strategic Communications principles and practices.

From there, I was fortunate to gain experience in diverse organisational settings, where I witnessed firsthand the impact of effective communication on external partners, employee engagement, organisational culture, and overall business success.

These experiences solidified my belief that Communications is not just about transmitting information, but about fostering understanding, building relationships, and creating environments where people feel valued and empowered.

What is a typical day for you like as the Founder and Lead Strategist at Au-delà Communications?

As the Founder and Lead Strategist at Au-delà Communications, my day is a dynamic mix of strategy, creativity, and collaboration. It often starts with client meetings where I dive deep into understanding their unique Communications challenges and business goals.

From there, I focus on developing custom strategies that align with their objectives, whether it’s crafting a brand narrative, building employee engagement programs, or driving DEIB initiatives.

I also spend significant time working closely with my team, fostering a collaborative environment where we brainstorm ideas, refine strategies, and create impactful content.

Staying ahead of trends is key, so I make it a priority to continuously explore innovations in Employee Communications and organisational culture. Ultimately, each day is about finding fresh, creative ways to elevate the experiences we deliver to our clients.


What inspired you to start your own Communications agency?

Throughout my career, I’ve consistently observed a gap in how organisations approach employee communication and engagement. Too often, it’s treated as an afterthought or a purely tactical function. I firmly believe that to build truly thriving workplaces, communication needs to be strategic, employee-centric, and deeply integrated into the organisational culture.

This belief, coupled with my passion for empowering businesses to unlock the full potential of their people, inspired me to establish Au-delà Communications. My vision is to partner with organisations that share my commitment to creating workplaces where employees feel connected, engaged, and inspired to contribute their best.

Can you share some of your memorable career highlights?

One of my proudest achievements has been witnessing the positive impact of our work at Au-delà Communications on our clients’ organisational cultures and employee experiences. Seeing firsthand how our strategies have helped to improve communication, foster a stronger sense of belonging, and drive business results has been incredibly rewarding.

Prior to founding Au-delà, I had the opportunity to lead several transformative communication initiatives within previous organisations. These initiatives focused on promoting diversity and inclusion, enhancing employee engagement, and strengthening Internal Communications channels.

Witnessing the positive changes these initiatives brought to the workplace, particularly in terms of employee morale and collaboration, has been a constant source of motivation for me.

What’s your advice for a professional looking to specialise in a particular area of Communications?

My advice would be threefold:

  • Identify your passion: Communications is a vast field. Explore different areas like Internal Communications, Public Relations, Crisis Communications, or Digital Marketing to find what truly excites you.
  • Become a subject matter expert: Once you’ve found your niche, delve deep. Read industry publications, attend conferences, take specialized courses, and follow thought leaders to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Build your network: Connect with other professionals in your chosen field. Attend industry events, join relevant associations, and engage in online communities to learn from others and build valuable relationships.

What advice would you give to your younger professional self?

Looking back, here’s what I would tell my younger self:

  • Don’t be afraid to take risks: Stepping outside of your comfort zone can lead to incredible growth and opportunities.
  • Trust your instincts: You have a unique voice and perspective – don’t be afraid to share it.
  • Never stop learning: The field of Communications is constantly evolving. Embrace continuous learning and stay curious.
  • Celebrate your successes: It’s important to acknowledge and appreciate your accomplishments along the way. And most importantly, remember that building genuine connections and making a positive impact is at the heart of effective communication.


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